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Writer's pictureMetro Beef & Seafood

UN Calls for Less Meat—Americans Say “Come and Steak It”

The UN is calling on Americans to reduce their meat-eating habits—yes, really. Their Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) have supposedly created a food road map which is expected to be unveiled during the upcoming COP28 climate summit. This road map is set to cover a range of topics—one being how meat consumption contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. This is the first time ever that the FAO have released such a road map.

The hope is that the first-ever publication of a food and agriculture road map will translate to a more sustainable food system. But the real question is: why are they calling out Americans and the west? The American agriculture sector accounts for only a little over 1% of global emissions and has implemented a wide range of solutions, making it the nation's lowest-emitting economic sector. The industry supports a growing population home and abroad with negligible increases in emissions since 1990.

"Regulating producers out of business in the U.S. will not effectively address global climate change, but export production to foreign countries with hostile regimes and worse emissions profiles while harming food security and affordability. Simply put, the world needs American farmers and ranchers more than the UN," House Agriculture Committee Chairman Glenn Thompson, R-Pa., told Fox News.

It’s clear there’s only one way to combat this request by the UN: simply eat more meat. The world needs the dedication and expertise of American farmers and ranchers far more than it needs the UN's disproportionate directives. At Good Ranchers, we will always take the side of American farmers—they work 365 days a year raising quality meat that feeds the very mouths of the people who seek to destroy them. To take a stand against this call made by the UN, subscribe to any Good Ranchers box today. With us, you can support American farms and stick it to the UN at the same time.

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